Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Parker!

Happy Birthday, Bubba! Where has the time gone? My little boy is now 4 years old. 

Parker - two days old

Parker - 4 years old

He has grown into such an incredible little boy. He is a wonderful son and exceptional big brother. He makes it a priority to always make sure that Reese is taken care of and happy. She loves him so much! Happy Birthday, Parker. You make me the happiest mommy in the world! :)

We have had a fun and fast summer! It seems like just last week I was getting to stay home for the summer. Before I know it, Reese will be a year old! I don't even know where to start with pictures from the past couple of months. I tried to take as many as possible, as it seems to be one of the best ways to hold on to memories you don't ever want to forget. So, in no particular order, here are some unforgettable photos and memories from the past 2 months.

Reese - 10 months old!

Poppy and Reese

Parker and Nana at the circus.

Parker eating cotton candy for the first time.
Should I be proud or embarrassed that my 
4-year-old opened his bag of cotton candy,
 looked at me and said, "What do I do with 
it now??"

Reese with Uncle Don-Don.

Sweet Reesie Pie

Precious Parker

Mimi's 60th birthday with the grandkids! 
Doesn't she look great?!

Chris and I on our way to a wedding.

Parker and Cousin Hunter with orange hair! 
That better be gone before the OU/TX game!
Parker LOVES his "Cousin Hunter!"

Reese with her Madeline doll. She squeals and 
squeezes it anytime she sees it. So cute!

Reese is very persistent when she wants something....

...and very mad when she doesn't get it! :)

Parker helping Daddy and Poppy build his new 
play "kingdom!"

Reese thinking, "Should I touch the baby, or not...??"
(This is my dear friend Melissa's new precious baby 
boy, Grayson. He is a cutie for sure, and Reese is 
already checking him out!)

Reese deciding that it is, in fact, OK to touch 

Grant and Parker showing their "cookie hands!" 
They were making a cookie cake for their mommies
..yum, yum!!

Reese wrinkling her nose...just like her 
mommy used to do! She does this when
she is happy to see you, or wants something 
from you!

My little sweeties

My little guy